Parents to Parents

Yayasan Perkembangan Anak Indonesia (YPAI) was established in 1994 by five mothers with a dream of providing a transformative education for a better future of our children. The owners were the first teachers in the institution, building MIS bricks-by-bricks, from a small house to multiple branches, with thousands of students.

Humble Beginnings

It started in Mentari Preschool, which used to be known as Sunshine Preschool. We had five students and five teachers. We were close as a family, supporting one another in order to build our school into what it is today. What we have now, we greatly owe it to the parents and students. Everything that we do, we shall offer it to them.

Why named MENTARI?

Mentari is Indonesian for the Sun. A life giver, a guide to light, and the light that shines bright.

We want our students to shine through in their life and future. We give our all to light a way for our students, with the hope that they will shine for their family, and the ever-growing society.

What we envision…
What is our mission?

The world of education constantly evolves, from the day of chalkboard, to the day of a tablet. We remember the days we borrowed as many books as possible to learn something new. Today, we can access anything within a click.

The vision of our education lies in our belief in human potential to grow. We believe that a true education promotes growth, spirit, and attitude to be a better part of a society.

Vision and Mission

  • We envision a school that is a home to our students, and an education that nurtures lifelong, practical, cultured, informed and caring individuals.

  • To help students feel at home while pursuing their education. We guide students to achieve their full potential while maintaining their moral integrity through guidance, knowledge, and compassion. MENTARI believes in the long-standing philosophy of teaching, caring and inspiring.

  • We nurture our students to be lifelong learners, practical, cultured and informed individuals through quality education that ignites inspiration. MENTARI traits serve as a guideline in building solid foundation for students to become contributing figures in modern society.

At Mentari Intercultural School, academic excellence is as important as values formation

Over the years, our family members keep on growing.

Each year, we welcome new enrollees as part of our family with enthusiasm. It is always a joy for us to expand our reach far and wide. We can’t wait to have you as part of us!

MIS Bintaro

MIS Jakarta

MIS Grand Surya

Make Mentari your second home

Join us now!